How to Draw Mikasa Ackerman Drawing [Shingeki no Kyojin]

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Let’s get started with the Mikasa Ackerman Drawing.

Do you know who Mikasa is? Umm, she is a fairly tall and well-toned woman and one of the anime series’s central figures. She is a member of the survey training corps, and now we will draw Mikasa Ackerman drawing in today’s tutorial.

So get ready and take your drawing material with you.

Step 01: Draw Mikasa’s hair

In the first step, draw Mikasa’s short shaggy hair.


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Step 02: Add hair strands

Draw short hair strands on her head


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Step 03: Draw the Ear, face, and features of Mikasa Ackerman

  • First, draw the shape of her ear and face
  • Secondly, now draw the facial features in her face, which are the eye, nose, and mouth.
  • In the end, draw the shape of her neck.


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Step 04: Draw her collar and dress

Outline the shape of her shirt collar and also sketch the shape of her dress


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Step 05: Add lines

Draw a straight line on her shoulder and chest to prominent her dress


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Step 06: Fill Color in the Mikasa Ackerman Drawing

In the final step, fill the color in Mikasa Ackerman’s drawing, and your drawing is completed.


Whoa! The fairly tall woman Mikasa Ackerman’s drawing is completed at this stage.

This drawing article about Mikasa’s character will surely help you to command her drawing by overcoming difficult steps and easily drawing it all by yourself.

Every character drawing takes time, but with us, you will draw better than the others. If you’re willing to draw any anime character, then let us know; we will draw that character for you, and nothing will be impossible with us.

So please tell us which next character you want us to teach you. Until then, keep practicing and wait for our next drawing tutorial.

Keep up the love for Anime!

Happy learning,

Happy drawing!

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