Copyright – Lets Draw Anime

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All the content available on Letsdrawanime comes under one of the following categories:

  1. Original content that belongs to its respective owner.
  2. Content that is contributed by or used with the due permission of the respective artist/owner.
  3. Content falls under the public domain and is readily available for public use on the internet.

Letsdrawanime is not responsible for content on social media, embedded videos, or adverts. Contact the appropriate parties if such content infringes copyright.

The U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, allows Letsdrawanime to use images, videos, photos, cartoons, tutorials, and other content. If you own such material listed on this website and believe it was posted without your authorization or infringes on your intellectual property or other rights, please contact us. Your valid claim will lead to the removal of the respective content.

Using Content from Letsdrawanime Tips:

  1. You are not permitted to use any of the unique content from Letsdrawanime for any reason without first getting permission from the owner.
  2. Any material that could be offensive may not be used on websites.

The following restrictions apply to the usage of the original content featured on letsdrawanime:

  1. Only with letsdrawanime’s or its owner’s permission.
  2. You may not make any changes to the content. The letsdrawanime watermark must be on all photos and videos of the owner’s or letsdrawanime’s property. The original text must be preserved in all articles.
  3. You have to give credit to letsdrawanime properly.
  4. You must include a visible link to where ever possible.
  5. If letsdrawanime or the site’s owner asks you to stop using any or all of the content, you should remove it immediately.

You must contact the content’s respective owners for permission to use any materials that are not letsdrawanime’s property.

Also, take a look at the following pages.

Or you can contact us via the following contact us page.

