How to Draw Rock Lee Drawing in 9 Easy Steps

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So let’s start the rock lee drawing (ロック・リーの絵) with us via a very easy drawing tutorial. You must have your best art box for sketching the rock lee drawing and sketch out the best pic of him with us.

Rock lee is a shinobi of Konohagakure. His biggest trait is the unwillingness to give up. He is an optimistic and confident guy.

Before starting the step-by-step drawing guide, look at this quick glimpse of the drawing and make an idea of the whole trajectory.

Note: Are you a person who loves watching videos rather than reading blog posts? or Slow at reading but learns fast via videos?
If yes, then click on this link Rock lee Video Tutorial.

Let’s begin!

Step 01: Rock Lee Head Drawing

Start sketching his head along with his hair. Outline the straight bowl cut bangs and be sure that there are notches.

Step -1-Rock-Lee-Head-Drawing


Step 02: Draw Wavy Lines

Now concentrate on rock lee’s hair and outline a horizontally wavy line on his hair



Step 03: How to Draw Rock Lee Face and Neck

In this step, outline the rock lee shape of the face and also the shape of the neck.



Step 04: Draw the Eyes, Nose, and Lips of Rock Lee Naruto

This step will be divided into three parts:

  • Start outlying rock lee eyes brows, which are very thick, and also draw his closed eyes along with eyelashes
  • Draw two dots showing his nostrils
  • Draw his mouth and highlight the expression: a very expressive one.



Step 05: Draw a Jumpsuit

In this step, outline rock lee’s jumpsuit



Step 06: Draw Hand and Bandage

In this step, draw rock lee’s hands and bandages in which only 2 fingers are prominent and a prominent thumbs up. He wears bandages to cover the stitches on his hand, which he got during his rigorous training.



Step 07: Complete the Dress

In this step, complete the dress of rock lee. Draw designs on his jumpsuit, which are shown in the figure below.



Step 08: Draw Vertical Lines on his Dress

In this step, draw a vertical line on his dress which shows that the dress he is wearing is zipped up.



Step 09: Fill in the colors

In rock lee drawing, the colors will be filled in the following steps:

  • Fill the black color in his hair
  • Color his jumpsuit with green color as he always wears a green jumpsuit
  • Highlight his bandages as well


Finally, the rock lee drawing is ready.

Hope you enjoy the most amazing Naruto character drawing with us.

Rock lee is extremely energetic and has a passionate nature. You feel the same passion when you draw his drawing.

If you like the rock lee drawing tutorial, let us know, and don’t forget to like and comment below. Please keep us updated on which next character you want us to draw for you. Until then

Keep up the love for Anime!

Happy Learning!


Happy Drawing!

Few other drawing tutorials from the Naruto Shippuden Series that you shouldn’t miss!
